Looking for parts, old or new? We might just have it! With our vast inventory of used parts, we can get you back on the road for a fraction of the cost.

We currently have used parts for, but not limited to: Cummins, Caterpiller, Detroit Diesel, Powerstroke, and Duramax engines. We also have limited stock in new parts for various diesel engines. Heavy duty, medium duty, light duty, hard to find parts, we have it all.
Not only do we sell new and used parts, we have engines for sale as well. Looking for a particular engine? If we don’t have what your are looking for, we can help you find it.

Proper filtration is the most important recipe for a long-lasting engine. When it comes to a healthy running engine, Fleetguard filtration is our number one choice. Here at Diesel Kraft, we stock a wide selection of Fleetguard filters for oil, fuel, water, and air.
With almost 40 years in the diesel repair business, we certainly do not have a shortage of cores. Fuel injectors, air compressors, injection pumps, turbos, cylinder heads, complete engines, etc. are just some of the types of cores that we have at our facility